The environment
As Playing on the Edge Ltd and in my activities, working practices and business relationships, I am committed to protecting, conserving and enhancing all aspects of the environment over which I have control over or can influence.
I shall ensure compliance with all relevant environmental legislation and regulations and take action to continuously improve my environmental performance and prevent pollution.
In particular I shall:
* Reduce the impact of energy use in the home office
* Reduce paper usage
* Source environmentally benign cleaning products
* Procure sustainable stationary products
* Reduce the impacts of transportation usage
* Reduce the total amount of waste produced
* Safely store and carefully use chemicals
* We will ensure this policy is implemented throughout our operations by implementing and maintaining a certified Environmental Management System.
Playing on the Edge Ltd is working towards the ISO14001 in the following:
1. Turn off all office electrical items at the end of each working day.
* Printers, computers, lights.
2. Recycle all office waste.
* Paper, board, plastic, glass, waste and as much water as possible.
* Weigh all outputs each week and continue to reduce consumption.
3. Reduce the use of office refreshments where energy is consumed.
* Only boil the kettle when necessary and for everyone's use.
* Only fill the kettle with the required amount of water.
4. Conserve office heating.
* Use an energy efficient room for our home office.
* Block out glare.
* Increase clothing layers rather than using more heat.
5. Use road travel as 'a last resort' means of communication with clients.
* Measure miles per week.
* Use web cams, conference calling and audio conference.
* Have meeting days, not individual journeys.
* Average business mileage to be 50% of national average.
* Work remotely as often as possible.
* Use public transport whenever possible.
6. Use energy efficient lighting in as many appliances as possible.
* Use long life bulbs on all wall, ceiling and desk mounted appliances.
* Check energy rating before purchasing new appliances.
7. Maintain a 'paperless' office.
* Use of online and digital media as a core means of communication.
* All information is kept on laptops and computers with no use of paper unless absolutely necessary.