Inherent Worthiness is our Birthright


We see snippets of people’s lives. And it’s often natural for us to make an assessment based on these snippets. Whether it’s a conversation, or something we’ve seen on social media. The assessment I can often draw highlights my lack of something, and their gain.

We live in a time when so many of us want to be the public figures of our own tribe, with our own band of followers. What’s now possible is that we can create a projection of ourselves that bares little or no resemblance to what our lives are actually like.

Do you catch yourself comparing yourself to another? A colleague or competitor in the marketplace?

I’m working on creating fulfilling work and if you’ve worked solo, you’ll know it can be challenging. Instead of calling the technical guy to get it done you have to watch a YouTube video to learn how to do it. I know I have to get more visible to help the people I want to work with to find me, and getting visible requires me to meet edges in myself that are uncomfortable. The idea of self promotion often makes me nauseous, yet I want to serve the people who’ll find joy, growth and fulfilment in what I offer.

I can easily fall back to comparing myself to how I was in my 40s, when it would be kinder to myself to measure the steps I’ve taken since yesterday. If I put my miracle-glasses on, what has taken place in my life over the last few years has been nothing short of those.

When was the last time you showed a bag of courage? When did you last step forward and say ‘yes I commit to this’ when it would be easier to keep a status quo? Perhaps merely getting out of bed this morning and showing up to that first meeting is as significant to you today as that promotion you won years ago.

I’m learning that courage is my benchmark for progress. Comparison to others or how I was, serves me little. We practice learning that we are enough, and that our inherent worthiness is our birthright, and that there is nothing to prove. So when the noise of my head kicks in, my prayer comforts me. I’m loved exactly as I am.

Does the flower reaching up to the light compare herself to her neighbour, or to the flower she was last year?


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